Saturday 24 September 2011

Choosing Nail Polish

Sometimes the finishing touch on your outfit of latest fashion trends is much more important than the clothes. If you wear a stunning dress with absolutely fantastic high heels, you might not look your best if you don’t have supporting elements like perfect makeup, unique jewelry and the best nail polish that suits you. We’ll speak only about the last one in this post.
There is a number of guidelines for buying the best nail polish for you. First of all, choose the brand you’ve already tried. If you want to try something new, buy a brand you’ve heard about or make sure its price is reasonably high, as in that case the quality will be in accordance with the price.
Next, make sure you go shopping with no nail polish on. It’s very important that you try nail polish colors on before buying. Although there won’t be a huge difference, the nail polish color you chose might look different once you put it on.
Now let’s go on to the color choice. Even if you might really want to buy a certain color, it might not look good on you. Moreover, it can ruin your whole appearance.
Pay attention to your skin tone. If you have a fair skin, go for bright nail polish colors, like bright red, pink, yellow, and blue. They will be really eye-popping.
If your skin tone is medium, then you’re very lucky, as you’re in the golden middle. Almost every color will suit you. You can get black, red, pink, cream and many others. I myself belong to this group, and the best nail polish color for me is chocolate brown.
If your skin is dark, don’t choose bright or light nail polish colors, as they’ll look unnatural. Go for deep red or deep pink.
The only tip is to match it with your outfit. It doesn’t have to be of the same color as your dress, but you shouldn’t look like ghost from 1960s as well.

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