Friday 30 September 2011

How to get a bigger Ass

Do you want a big ass? Big butt are sexy, arn’t they? Really juicy wellshaped buttocks will do a lot for a womans sex appeal and though tastes and opinions vary, big buttocks are a major turn on for most men.  Of course those buttocks must also be firm and well shaped not just big. So what if you have a small or flat booty and you really want to make it bigger, what do you do? Do you have any clues? Yes? No? In either way, read on and I will give you three tips on how to get a big sexy ass.
How we are shaped depends a lot on our genetics. We were born with a certain shape and while you can’t do much about your gentics you can in many ways change the way your body looks and performs. Getting a bigger booty might seem hard but for a woman it is actually quite easy if you just follow a few rules and is ready to make a little bit of effort.
It is not too difficult to add 2 inches to your booty in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. Just imagine how sexy you would look when you have acheived this. Imagine looking at your “new” big round booty in the mirror, not to mention the attention you will getting when stepping outside.
So, here goes the three tips on how to get a bigger ass:
1. Get of your butt, to get make your booty bigger you must get moving. The buttocks are made up mostly of muscle and developing the muscles in your buttocks will make them rounder firmer and bigger. Exercises that specifically target the buttocks are the best for this. Squats, lunges, bridges and sideway legraises are all good butt building exercises. Start out slowly and then gradually increase the resistance. Simple things like running up stairs or running uphill is also good for your butt. For more resistance add ankle weights.
2. Avoid junk foods. Junk foods only make you fat and unhealty and if you put on weight on your butt this way it is not going to look nice anyway. Eat healthy natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and cereals. Eating enough protein is also important in order to recover between workouts.
3. Drink plenty of milk, eat nuts and take fish oil or eat fatty fish. Why? Well in order to really get a big ass you need to add not only muscle to it but also fat. The fatty acids contained in milk, nuts and fatty fish contains fatty acids and Omega 3 which is naturally stored in the buttocks of a woman. So these foods will “fatten up” your booty in a good way. And by the way these are all healthy foods.
A lot more can be said about how to get a big ass, but these tips will reallly give you a good start. The most important thing left is actually to get started. Imagine how good it feel when start seeing results and your ass gets bigger and rounder. So get of your butt and make it big and sexy.

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