Thursday 22 September 2011

How to lose weight

Every woman wants to be thin, to be admired by men and envied by other women. In order to lose weight you should try to change your nourishment habits and do as much physical exercises as possible. Try to avoid all strict diets because they will make you put on more weight. Any diet which supposes a reduced quantity of food will make you use fewer and fewer calories. The moment you will start eating normally you will put on weight faster because the body will be used to consume a little.
Don’t exaggerate in doing physical exercises while you’re on diet. You can choose swimming or walking which will make you remain active all the time. Try to sleep as much as you need. It has been proved that a lack of sleep will lead to a hormonal out of order which favours putting on weight.
Be patient and ambitious in accomplishing your dream of losing weight. The first week is the most difficult. Here are some tips in order to stay always in shape:
  • eat less, but don’t starve yourself;
  • don’t skip meals, especially breakfast because otherwise the process of losing weight will be slower;
  • eat slowly, don’t be in a hurry;
  • stop eating as soon as you feel satiated;
  • don’t eat between meals, except for some fruits in case they are not followed by other aliment for 2 hours;
  • eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, excepting those which contain a lot of starch;
  • eat less bread, pastes or potatoes; you should eat full cereals; they will bring you the necessary energy;
  • don’t mix different types of proteins at the same meal(cheese, milk, eggs, meat) and don’t associate them with potatoes, pastes or bread;
  • be careful with greases: roast, butter, eggs, sweets;
  • you should eliminate only the greases which result from animals (butter, whipped cream or cream);
  • you should eat as often as possible grill roast or boiled vegetables;
  • don’t eat sweets, especially chocolate or whipped cream;
  • drink as much water as possible, approximately 2 litres/day;
  • alcohol contains a lot of calories, you can drink a glass of red wine, but just one glass/day;
  • try to oust soda drinks.

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