Saturday 24 September 2011

Lose weight through teamwork

Everything seems to be more fun when you are not alone, especially if you are going on a war against extra weight. When looking for a fast weight loss diet plan choose to combine your efforts with your friend. That way you will lose your weight twice faster than on a usual diet plan to lose weight. Teamwork and support from a close person can do wonders. Many dietologists will confirm that those who go on a fast weight loss diet plan with a friend always reached the needed result faster and kept their shape longer than those who went on a diet on their own. That is why try to persuade your friend to go on a diet with you. Here are some tips on how to choose an ideal partner for a fast weight loss diet plan.
Choosing the right partner is one of the key factors for the success of a diet. The partner should have enough free time to devote it to the teamwork. Otherwise, you will not get the support you need for your diet plan to lose weight.
Do not compete against each other, but help one another. Do not choose a partner who will start competing with you, or who you do not trust.
A colleague may be a good choice, because she spends with you the considerable time of the day. You may keep each other away from eating fast food for lunch or overeating during corporate reunions.
Choose someone with who you have similar goals. If you need to lose 10 lbs and your friend has extra 30 lbs, than it will be hard to have the same schedule for trainings and meals. An ideal choice would be somebody, who wants to lose the same amount of weight.
Another good partner may be a chat friend online. Try to avoid partners who had a lot of diet experience, as you may step up to some dieting issues with initial prejudice.
Finally, your partner should be a girl or a woman, no man understands a woman better than another woman does.
Make the right choice.

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