Thursday 29 September 2011

Surprise Your Man Tonight

Dress to Impress

Some ideas might be:
  • Dress up in a sexy cocktail or evening dress.
  • Wear some sexy underwear.
  • Put some make-up on.
You needn’t go for the whole stockings and suspenders routine every time, it’s often just as good to wear a nice dress for dinner perhaps; and this includes staying in for dinner. There doesn’t have to be an excuse to look good, and you’ll find that if you present yourself for your man in a nicely packaged form, you’ll begin to get a little more from him in return.

Listen to Your Man
You can also make things a little more special if you listen to your man:
  • Ask him about his sexual desires.
  • Tell him your desires.
  • Agree to do something new that night.
Agreeing to do something that very night is an enormous turn on for a guy. Although men like to be surprised as much as women, it’s sometimes enough of a surprise to tell your man that you intend to do something sexy. Try telling him what you’re going to do to him in the bedroom at the beginning of the evening and then stick to it!

Talk Dirty to Him
There are an enormous amount of men out there who absolutely adore talking dirty and hearing dirty talk. It’s always good to try this out on your man, even if you’re not sure if he likes it or not. If he doesn’t like it then he’ll be sure to tell you so!

Don’t be embarrassed about saying something really filthy. At least you’re trying new things, and if you are in a loving relationship, then you can always laugh about it afterwards if things haven’t gone according to plan. However, we can pretty much guarantee that if you do this, he will respond positively!

Don’t Smother Him
Men in general don’t like to be too tactile during and after sex. This is a fact, and if you have a man who does like to be tactile after sex, then you’re either very lucky or he is actually gay (or a woman). It’s always good to get a nice cuddle after sex, but if you have complained about his to him before, then remember that this article is how to surprise him.

Just don’t mention it, and do what you think he would like for a change. If your man is a good one, he’ll remember your efforts and more than likely pay you back next time around with a nice cuddle. It’s all about give and take.

Blow His Mind!
Here’s the big one. Everyone knows how much a man likes a blowjob don’t they? Well if you don’t know this then it’s lucky that you’re reading this article, because you will certainly surprise your man if you’ve never done it to him before.

If you’ve never done it then try it.

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