Friday 30 September 2011

Baby Care Tips

“Every mother should know vital baby care tips to give her child the best upbringing she possibly can,” is what Julia says. For those of you who remember, we met Julia a couple of months back at a coffee place when we had a great conversation about kids and schooling. This time we got talking about baby care tips which we think are important for every mother, expecting mother and women in general. Read on for 5 top baby care tips that you should know for your young baby.

1. Introducing solid foods to your baby

“Introducing solid food to your baby is usually recommended from 6 months of age, although this depends from case to case,” says Julia who was worried when her son, Tom as an infant used to push solid food out of his mouth. “I was very perplexed but the doctor laid my worries to rest and said that it was the baby’s natural mechanism coming into play, trying to prevent choking,” said Julia. She also said that it was a few more weeks before Tom would have his first solid food experience. Know this baby care tip and introduce solid food to your baby after he/she shows behavioral signs of acceptance towards solid food.

2. Vital period of movements of 6 to 9 months of age

What most baby care tips don’t tell you is that your baby will start making obvious attempts to learn body movements during this period. “Tom began to start sitting, rolling over, playing with himself and exploring other movements,” says Julia. So all you mothers reading, should know to keep an eye out to make sure that your baby does not hurt himself/herself while learning new movements. This is a crucial period and any injury can be disastrous.

3. Baby care tips of safety for your new born child

“Don’t compromise,” is what Julia had to say about keeping your baby safe. We agree with her 100% when she talked about using approved restraint products for newborns, ensuring a safe environment at home and outside and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. “We often overlook even small things like objects lying around the house that may cause injury to the baby. I give this baby care tip to all mothers, don’t leave your newborn unsupervised,” affirms Julia.

4. Top baby care tip for the busy mother – Never ignore breastfeeding

“My blood boils when I hear mothers saying that they feed their kids branded infant formulas and other such products available in the market,” says Julia. We nodded in agreement because breastfeeding is an integral part of any baby’s diet at least up to the first 12 months. “You cannot afford to ignore breastfeeding your baby, no matter how busy you are,” she says. Did you know that the benefits of breast milk for your new born range from better immune system, less risk of SID to less infections, reduced risk of obesity and many other health benefits?

5. A nappy rash may be the cause of your sleepless nights

What is the first thing that all mothers do when a baby cries? Check their nappies for urine or poop? That’s right. With this baby care tip, we inform all mothers to look out for nappy rashes that may irritate your new born and give you sleepless nights. “Tom cried excessively at night. It left me confused when I checked his nappies because he did not wet them. It was not until the doctor told me this baby care tip of looking out for nappy rashes,” says Julia. You too can spot a nappy rash with typical symptoms such as inflamed skin, blistering or other rashes near the stomach or buttock area.

How to get a bigger Ass

Do you want a big ass? Big butt are sexy, arn’t they? Really juicy wellshaped buttocks will do a lot for a womans sex appeal and though tastes and opinions vary, big buttocks are a major turn on for most men.  Of course those buttocks must also be firm and well shaped not just big. So what if you have a small or flat booty and you really want to make it bigger, what do you do? Do you have any clues? Yes? No? In either way, read on and I will give you three tips on how to get a big sexy ass.
How we are shaped depends a lot on our genetics. We were born with a certain shape and while you can’t do much about your gentics you can in many ways change the way your body looks and performs. Getting a bigger booty might seem hard but for a woman it is actually quite easy if you just follow a few rules and is ready to make a little bit of effort.
It is not too difficult to add 2 inches to your booty in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. Just imagine how sexy you would look when you have acheived this. Imagine looking at your “new” big round booty in the mirror, not to mention the attention you will getting when stepping outside.
So, here goes the three tips on how to get a bigger ass:
1. Get of your butt, to get make your booty bigger you must get moving. The buttocks are made up mostly of muscle and developing the muscles in your buttocks will make them rounder firmer and bigger. Exercises that specifically target the buttocks are the best for this. Squats, lunges, bridges and sideway legraises are all good butt building exercises. Start out slowly and then gradually increase the resistance. Simple things like running up stairs or running uphill is also good for your butt. For more resistance add ankle weights.
2. Avoid junk foods. Junk foods only make you fat and unhealty and if you put on weight on your butt this way it is not going to look nice anyway. Eat healthy natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and cereals. Eating enough protein is also important in order to recover between workouts.
3. Drink plenty of milk, eat nuts and take fish oil or eat fatty fish. Why? Well in order to really get a big ass you need to add not only muscle to it but also fat. The fatty acids contained in milk, nuts and fatty fish contains fatty acids and Omega 3 which is naturally stored in the buttocks of a woman. So these foods will “fatten up” your booty in a good way. And by the way these are all healthy foods.
A lot more can be said about how to get a big ass, but these tips will reallly give you a good start. The most important thing left is actually to get started. Imagine how good it feel when start seeing results and your ass gets bigger and rounder. So get of your butt and make it big and sexy.

Beauty Tips for Working Women

If you are a married with kids, hardworking lady then you know you only got little time and energy to focus on looking sexy and applying that eye make up. So you have to wake up in the morning and transform to that professional looking female before you go to work. Here are some quick tips to refresh your look when there’s little time left.
Make those blemishes and dark spots disappear. Those dark circles under your eyes and those blemishes must be covered either with some cover up, make-up powder or concealer stick. It should take you about two minutes (2′) to treat all problem areas on your face.
Use of eye make-up. You can quickly apply mascara to your lashes to bring out your eyes in just one minute. If you have a few spare seconds you can also apply some eye shadow to further improve your look.
Lip-gloss on your lips. Lip-gloss works wonders. Quickly apply some flavored lip gloss and stay assured that it will make the difference. You can always apply lipstick instead of lip-gloss or you can apply them both but generally lip-gloss can be applied quicker.
Use of magic pins. Always have a few pins and clips handy. You could transform your hair and the way you look in 30 seconds, top. For example you could twist your hair up and pin it back.
Hairspray and gel. Sometimes you need chemical intervention over your hair in order to avoid fly aways. Spray gels or hairsprays may become handy in such situations and can be applied in just seconds.
Smell good. Use your favorite perfume or a body spray. Just a few sprays and you are finished in no time.
Looking for more beauty tips? Take a look at this guide with beauty tips and insider secrets from top beauty professionals. You will learn how to look and feel better than ever. You see, beauty is not just an outer appearance. It is a complete harmony from within that can be felt and sensed by others from the way you present yourself.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Ultimate Sex Tips Part-3

21 Don't head straight for the jackpot. Men have all their erogenous zones concentrated in one area but they still like to be teased, stroked and caressed all over.
Drive him wild by stroking the perineum - the space between the bottom and scrotum - and you'll increase the intensity of his orgasm.
22 It's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it. The average penis size is five inches erect, but as only the bottom third of the vagina has the sensitivity, any more than that is wasted! A good position if your partner has a small penis is "spoons" as this gives deeper penetration.
23 Dream on - there's no harm in thinking about someone else when you're having sex. You're using it to enhance your sexual experience and it can help to keep your mind on the job, especially if you're tired or feeling stressed at work.
24 Don't stop having sex. As you get older it can be more of a challenge to keep your sex life exciting and you do have to adapt, increasing the amount of foreplay.
The real trick is to be able to look at your lover and conjure up the feelings you had when you first got together.
25 Sex brings you closer. It anchors you as a person and creates closeness with your partner. Sex gives you a sense of self-worth - that union with someone who values and wants to be intimate with you.

Ultimate Sex Tips Part-2

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Ultimate Sex Tips Part-1

1 Don't believe the hype! We're misled that "good" sex is lots of penetration with g-spot stimulation and huge orgasms.
The truth is that the average person has sex once a week or less. What's more important is the quality of sex rather than quantity, as is exploring all your erotic zones from toes to clitoris to earlobes.
2 Things outside the bedroom cause most sex problems. Women who get time to rest, have help with housework or childcare report more satisfying sex lives.
3 Poor body image is a cause of women's sexual problems. Build your confidence and you'll feel more like being intimate. Try taking classes on assertiveness, drama or dance.
4 Many women aren't sure what turns them on, or they know what they fancy but are too shy to say. Help yourself by exploring masturbation and fantasies on your own, then with your partner. Dr Sprinkle's Spectacular Sex (Tarcher, £14.99) helps you work out what you'd like to do, while Carol Queen's book Exhibitionism For The Shy (Down There Press) explains how to ask for it.
5 Condoms are the new sex toys. As well as making him last longer, they're guaranteed to turn you on with their different textures or added lubricants. They're also free from family planning or GU clinics
6 Dare to ask for what you want - but not when you're having sex. You might laugh, but I have manuals to give to couples on when to talk about sex. Choose a time when you're both relaxed, not hungry and never be critical while you're actually having sex.
7 Take your time over things. It shocks couples when I ask them how long it takes for love-making and they think this means how long it takes to have sex. Love-making might lead to intercourse or it might not. Make time to caress, massage and enjoy each other's company.
8 Women suffer brewer's droop too. Alcohol may take away your inhibitions but it can also affect libido, interfere with lubrication and cause a loss of sensation. Over time alcohol and cigarettes will seriously affect your sexual function as they affect your nervous system and circulation.
9 Orgasm is an experience - not a goal. Many couples come to me disappointed they can't reach orgasm together. It's not the same experience for men and women. Clitoral stimulation leads to a sharp, intense orgasm - like a man's - but with penetrative sex women may be able to reach multiple, less intense orgasms.
10 Good sex is the result of physical and mental well-being. Eating a well-balanced diet, not smoking, not drinking large amounts of alcohol and caffeine, sleeping well and exercising regularly could guarantee a better sex life for most people.

Increase Breast Size

Breasts are important to both men and women. Women's self-confidence is often tied to the size of their breasts, but not every woman ends up with the kind of breasts that she is happy with. Though many women resort to expensive and risky surgery to enlarge their breasts, there is a simpler, more natural method which costs nothing. If you massage your breasts for 20-30 minutes a day, they should grow one cup size larger in 30 days.

Massage does two things to stimulate growth. One benefit of massage is increased circulation. Since phytoestrogens travel through the bloodstream, the more blood you have flowing to your breasts, the easier it is for your breast receptors to pick up what they need in order to grow. Another benefit of massage is prolactin production. This important breast-enlarging hormone is triggered by regular stimulation of the breasts and nipples.

To perform the massage, start by rubbing your hands together as fast as you can to generate heat and energy. Once your hands are warm, place them on your breasts. Rub inwards with your hands and continue around your breasts in a circle. Your right hand will circle in a clockwise direction, and your left hand will circle counter-clockwise (as you look down).
Do a minimum of 100-300 circular rubs in the morning and another 100-300 circular rubs before you go to bed. Each circular rub should last about 2 seconds. Pause occasionally and rub your hands together to re-warm them. The full 300 rubs should take about 10-15 minutes. By doing this twice a day, you should be able to increase a cup size within 30 days.

If you want to use a massage oil, the following mixture has been reported to produce great results in increasing the size of the breasts. Mix 9 drops of geranium oil with 16 drops of Ylang Ylang oil in a base of 50 ml of almond oil. Rub this into your breasts twice a day either during your massage or separately.

A good side effect to doing this is that your menstrual flow will be reduced dramatically since the breast massage stimulation will create a state within your body where the blood you normally lose through your period will rush up to enlarge your breasts. Another good side effect is that the surge in hormones will lessen your PMS. You will also experience increased nipple sensitivity, but avoid touching your nipples when doing your breast massage.

This method of breast massage is a part of an ancient Taoist exercise, the female deer exercise. That means it has been used and tested for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. All you need is some time, your hands, and dedication to have larger breasts in just 30 days.