Saturday 24 September 2011

Nail Polish Colors- Long or Short

We usually follow the latest fashion trends, and if, for example, black nail polish is in fashion in that season, then it’s time to go to the store really quickly and get one. But sometimes we get disappointed, when the nail polish colors don’t look so gorgeous on us, as they do on fashion models.
To make a choice between nail polish colors is even more difficult. There’s also another thing that will make your choice limited — the length of your nails.
If you have long nails, you probably worked hard on growing them. Now you have to work equally hard to keep them pretty with the right nail polish color. Owners of long nails should go for light colors, like pink, cream and all the other light shades. Dark nail polish colors emphasize the nails too much, thus making your hand seem a little manly, while the equation of long nails and light colors makes a very delicate hand.
French manicure is another variant. Although it suits to any outfit, it takes too much time.
When applying nail polish on long nails, make sure you have a smooth surface, as the longer and broader the nail is, the more difficult it is to have a shiny nail polish surface.
If you have short nails, your job is easier. You don’t have to be extremely attentive to have a smooth surface, because the nail polish on short nails almost always looks perfect. My fashion advice to you is — wear dark nail polish colors. If the latest fashion trends dictate blue for nail polishes, choose a dark shade. Chocolate brown and dark gray are other nail polish colors that look fantastic on short nails. Short nails are a plus, if you like wearing red nail polish of every shade. This color very often looks trashy on long nails.
Besides, if you have short nails, consider yourself lucky, because you can proudly wear black nail polish and be sure that it suits you.
Creamy nail polish colors are perhaps an exception. They will always look great and natural on your nails regardless the length of your nails.
Remember, whatever suits, always looks fashionable, and if there’s a chance to look like a goddess during an evening party, it’s worth forgetting what the latest fashion trends are.

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